Sunday, May 20, 2012

Solar and Lunar Personalities...and Cheesy Pesto Pull Apart Bread

Okay. So it's been a while since my last post. All that's exhausting! Sometimes, I think I might be ADHD, moving from one idea to the next...(and I probably am to some degree...) I get a big ole burst of energy, with tons of ideas, recipes, things to try, things to write, then I burn out.
I have a sister in law, who like her own mother, is a "get it done" type person. She will call me and say, "well, today I  repainted my porch, organized the kids rooms, cooked dinner, mowed the lawn, washed the dogs, took down some trees..."all after working a full day. I listen intently whilst laying on my big gold chair, willing myself to get up and start a load of laundry. Some days, I get a ton done, some days, not so much....

Then, I read an article. I don't remember the name of the article, or where I read it, but it was a great article. It was about lunar people, and solar people, and the main differences between them. I don't know too much about astrology, or anything of that nature, but this was more about two distinct types of people, and how they are both good.

Lunar people, are people who know how to chill...they are thoughtful, and full of ideas. They think carefully about an idea, research it, picture it in their head, nap a little, then go full steam ahead. They get a ton done, pat themselves on the back, then take another nap. Everything we lunar people do, is well thought out...planning and energy goes into all the details, and when we get things done...we get things done. It just doesn't happen that often. Days go by where we get nothing done. Some days my sister (who I'm pretty sure is lunar too,) calls me and says, "I need to get something done..." and I say, "me too..." and then we chat for an hour about the things we want to get done, and eventually, they do get done. Sometimes.

Solar people spend no time contemplating what they need to get done. They are in "go"mode, and move from one project to the next. My mom is a solar person...she measures her day on what she accomplished. She will go to work for three days, then on her one day off, I find her down in her garage, organizing. Solar people make decisions quickly, and they move on. My sister in law has two sweet girls, and both times she gave birth, she had no name picked out. We all brainstormed, she picked a name, and moved on, never looking back....and they both have beautiful names that suit them. Me, however, thought about names for months...wrote them down to see what they looked like...said them over and over until I didn't like it anymore, and moved on to the next name. I pretty much knew, down to one or two names, what they would  be when I left for the  hospital, with great confidence I would love the name for years to come. We both got to the same place, just in different ways.

Now for years, I have wanted to be a solar person...well before I knew what a solar person was. My grandma? Solar. Totally. My mom. Super solar. Me and my sister...even my brother, did not get that gene. All hard workers in our own right...we just need down time...and sleep.

At Christmas, my grandma and my mother would bake a different type of Christmas cookie every day, for like two weeks, so that on Christmas, there was a nice spread of many different kinds of cookies. Me??? I sit down, take a day to figure out which ones I want to bake, bake about 5 kinds the next day, then I go to the bakery and fill in the gaps. Burst of energy. Downtime. Burst of energy. Downtime. You get it?

Solar people work harder, for longer, then burn out. They get a lot done, and move quickly through their day, and do it all again the next day. Burst of energy. Burst of energy. Burst of energy. Repeat. You get it again. Right?

 I am learning to embrace my lunar-ness. Well thought out ideas, (like starting a blog) but that come in waves. Energy that comes in waves. Creativity that comes in waves. Being that I don't do this for money, just as an outlet, I'm okay with that. I can post a ton of ideas, and then sit on  my big gold chair for a month and think about what to do next in life. Maybe I'll call my sister and talk about it. Maybe, I'll just nap instead. Tomorrow, I'll get to the things I need to get done, or maybe not, but when I do, watch out! It will be like the super moon! Or not. But, that's okay.

Until the next super moon, enjoy this awesome cheesy pesto pull apart bread I found on Love her blog, and all her great recipes. It is easy to make, perfect for parties, and tastes great on a big gold chair, while thinking of your next big idea...

photo from