Like any other mom, I am always trying to find ways to get my kids to eat more vegetables...I have sneaked them in soups, spread them on crackers, even joined the "sneaking pureed vegetables into everything you bake" movement. I went on a two day puree marathon, and a year later, it is all still in my freezer, like crusty, freezer burned, mystery bags of grossness. The one thing my kids seem to love is smoothies. Not the green smoothie my husband makes every day at 3 o'clock....(seriously, he's like a rain man smoothie making machine....3 o'clock, must make smoothie, must make smooooothie...) but smoothies that are sweet and actually taste good. I have tried to get on board with my husband's smoothie, but it literally tastes like grass....and not in a good way. I had finally determined that green smoothies were not my thing, when my cousin Steph introduced my to the best thing ever....EVER....a green smoothie that actually tastes great. You know that feeling late in the afternoon when you lose energy and wish you could have a latte, or take a nap? That is the time you make one of these bad boys and it gives you that energy buzz to get you motivated, to get you psyched up to exercise, clean the house, or finish that smoothie blog you started....they are that good. Anyway, I figured if I like it that much, maybe my kids would drink it. Sure enough, they all love it. My daughter drinks one everyday after school and before soccer, and my rain man husband calls down from his home office every day (3 o'clock sharp) and asks "is it smoothie time?" That's not code for anything...he really just wants a smoothie. I feel less guilty about the other things I eat (1/2 a white chocolate pumpkin cheese cake....post to come soon), because I know I'm at least getting a whopping amount of things that are good for me. Since starting the smoothies, I have been researching other smoothies that are great, and came across the oatmeal smoothie. This one is perfect for busy mornings, and the oatmeal in it makes it super healthy and filling. As I have posted about before, getting healthier works by going slow, adding in one great thing at a time, and working out one bad thing at a time...you don't need to feel you are on a "health kick," let's face it, those never last, but adding more vegetables to your body, which naturally allows for less junk during the day.....never in a million years after making fun of my husband for so long did I expect to turn into rain girl....here are the recipes!
Steph's Green Smoothie2 heaping handfuls of spinach (you can throw in some kale or parsley if you have it)
1/2 avocado
1 handful shredded carrot (trader joe's sells them pre shredded)
1 handful frozen mango chunks (also trader joe's)
1 handful frozen blueberries
1/2 inch of peeled ginger root
1 cup ( I use a little more) of almond milk (I use vanilla for sweetness)
Blend all ingredients, drink immediately, feel awesome
This recipe can be changed up to allow for what is in you freezer, peaches instead of mango, raspberries or blackberries instead of blueberries, a banana, really anything you have on hand.
Oatmeal Raspberry SmoothieOne banana
1 handful frozen raspberries(or any other frozen berry)
1/2 cups plain greek yogurt
1 TBS honey
1/2 cup old fashioned oatmeal
1 cup vanilla almond milk
Here's a few links to some others that are fabulous:
Healthy Pumpkin Smoothiehttp://redheadrecipes.com/?p=13520&cpage=1#comment-7483Dr. Oz Vitamin C Smoothie (for cold season)www.doctoroz.com/videos/dr-oz-s-vitamin-c-smoothie