Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and my brain is buzzing with Valentine's Day ideas. I love all holidays with a passion, but I actually ENJOY Valentine's Day. During most holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, the joy of the holiday is overshadowed with the craziness that comes with meal planning, cleaning your house for company, cooking like a crazy person, running to the grocery store, making sure the presents are wrapped....in all the bustle, it's easy to lose track of the real joy in the holidays...spending time with your loved ones. Valentine's Day is the exception, because it's a very underwhelming holiday...most people don't host extravagant Valentine's dinners, so there is plenty of time to put a little thought into the little things...which are what really make memories for your loved ones.
When it comes to the kids, we parents will jump at any chance to make them feel special. Valentine's Day is the perfect excuse to make them each feel loved, by planning little surprises throughout the day. They need not be expensive gifts, just little gestures to make them feel they are someone's valentine, and they are special to you. I love to start off the day with a Valentine's breakfast...we usually make heart shaped pancakes using a pancake mold, but this can also be done with a large heart shaped cookie cutter. Here are a few breakfast ideas to help get your creative juices flowing:

My daughter loves it if I stick a little love note into her lunch....I'm pretty sure my son does too, but he would never admit it...The sky is the limit for lunch ideas at Valentines. Here are a few great ideas, all served up in
my favorite BPA free lunch gear, from
Easylunchboxes.com. These things are so handy, I can't even tell you. I pack two in my kids lunch everyday, one with a lunch, one with a snack. The best part??? No waste!
(photos from lisastorms.typepad.com)My husband and I usually celebrate our own Valentine's Day the weekend before

...it just seems easier for us...easier for whoever is watching the kids, no lunches to pack the next day, more lax bedtimes...which frees us up on Valentine's Day, to have a special dinner at home with the kids. I try and have a small gift for each kid when they get home, and a little Valentine's snack, maybe cupcakes or cookies. I love the idea of this charming little Valentine fort, to sit in and eat our goodies while we look through each of their valentine's card they received that day. How cute is that? Then, just dinner at home, with a few little decorations around the table...and you have a memorable, cheap, Valentine's day for the family.

As for the Valentine's themselves? This year, we made these awesome little monster bookmarks.
See the tutorial here. They were super easy, and something you can reuse!

Happy Valentine's Day!