My dining room is a far different room than any of the other rooms in my house. Where I stayed light and airy in most of my living spaces, the dining room is a mix of dark wood, black, and animal print. It has dark reddish walls, and an orange ceiling. That's right. I said orange. Don't freak out. It's not all Snooky...I promise. It has a large stone fireplace, and I have been hanging the same old burgundy velvet stockings on there since the dawn of time. Every year, I say, "those don't match, we need new stockings...something funky..." and my husband says, "they're red, the walls are red, they match." Ummmm, we all know that all reds are not created equally. Burgundy, and red....they do not match. It's a common fact in this world. I have been on the look out for replacement stockings for years, never to find exactly what I was looking for. Then it dawned on me. I can make them. It can't be that hard. Right? Well, it wasn't! They took me an hour to make all three. I switched out the old ones, and I loooove the new ones! Exactly, what I was looking for, and $10 for all three!
You will need: 1/3 yard of fabric per stocking
Matching thread
Fur trim, (or any kind of trim for that matter) sold in fabric stores
decorative tassles or fringe (I hate that word)
an old stocking to trace (you would think it wouldn't be that hard to draw a stocking, but mine turned out super freaky
Knowledge of how to thread a sewing machine, and skills to sew a straight line.
First, flip fabric over the backside. Trace your stocking. Trace your stocking the opposite way for the front. Put sides together and sew, keeping it inside out. Do not sew the top together (obviously.) When you are finished, turn the stocking inside out. You can either hand sew the tassles to the fur trim, then hand sew them on to the stocking...or you can do this:

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