What have I learned in the thirty something years that I have been getting dressed? You can't be something you're not. You can try, but inevitably, your own sense of self will prevail. And you know what? That's a good thing. Like most women, I do love fashion, and while I have friends who manage to pull off every day swankiness, (you know the type, cute skirt, boots, hair perfected, matching bag,) I am not one of those women. My style has always been ruled by comfort. I remember my best friend and I in high school, vowing every year that "this would be the year we will be uber stylish," making schedules of the cute outfits we would wear, which included a skirt at least once a week, and applying makeup every day, and actually getting up early to do our hair. Without fail, halfway through September, the plan would be scrapped, in favor of waking up 5 minutes before departure, pull on my Levi's, throw my hair in a pony tail, and scurry out the door....I have truly learned my lesson through my teenage and adult years, that yes, I love cute clothes, but they HAVE to be comfortable and cozy. My style of a mom of three who lives on the beach in a small town and drives soccer carpool, consists of jeans, cozy boots, flip flops, sweaters, tank tops, exercise clothes, a casual coach bag, and not a hot off the runway fall blazer with riding boots....I mean come on, I can't blog about what I'm not, but I CAN blog about what I am! That is a fashion lover who is on a mission to be myself, be comfortable, be casual and still have style...Here's wishing you a cozy, comfy, be yourself kind of fall!
Bag-Coach Chelsea
Socks, gloves, hat, scarf-Etsy
Stackable rings-Coach
I just love your blog! You have such a good style, fashion, good cooking ideas, and lot's more!