I'm kind of getting in to baking cheesecakes. You might say I'm becoming a cheesecake geek...and we already know I love pumpkin...see here: pumpkin cream cheese muffins....so when I saw a recipe for a white chocolate pumpkin cheesecake with an Oreo crust on thebakingpan.com, I could not bake it fast enough. Seriously. I mean, white chocolate would be enough in itself, but add the pumpkin? Umm,...and Oreos? We had friends over last week from out of town. The guy never eats dessert, but he ate 4 pieces of this. Then he ate two more the next day. I live next to my sister's family, and I also live next to my parents,(it sounds crazy, but it's awesome) and we hail from a family of dessert people. Whenever we are all together, including my 98 year old grandma, there is literally a silence that falls over the room when the Dawson women are eating dessert. It's probably the only time no one talks. My husband would gladly attest to that. So when this cheesecake was in my fridge, there was a stream of people coming in through the sliding door for "just one bite.." (another Dawson term. We would never actually get a plate, just straighten up the sides. 41 times) I could go on and on about this cheesecake, but instead, I will just give you a link to the recipe:
White chocolate pumpkin cheesecake
Happy fall y'all!
Another great post, Shayne! YUM!